Updated 1/23/25
Subject to change for 2025-2026
Event Administration
BaseballFest tournament management will make every effort to treat all teams with fairness. If questions or disputes arise about policies and procedures, coaches shall bring them to the attention of the Tournament Director to be dealt with. Any interpretation and decision of the Tournament Director shall be final.
Rosters, Insurance and Waivers
All teams must submit an online roster, certificate of insurance, and waivers as directed by BaseballFest in pre-event correspondence. All teams must check in upon arrival to verify and approve their compliance with the above. Once a roster is verified, it is frozen for the tournament. Teams cannot begin tournament play until their roster is submitted and verified, and all player and coach waivers are properly signed and on file. Teams who fail to follow these procedures may be subject to a forfeit.
Scores and Standings
BaseballFest relies heavily on technology for allowing teams to get scores and standings from mobile phones and mobile devices. In the event of a technical failure (server, etc.) or human error (score keyed in incorrectly, etc.), the Tournament Director will work to correct the error as quickly as possible, and will post and/or communicate updated information. Teams should check back regularly in case changes are made that impact standings, seeds or brackets. In the unlikely event of a serious technology failure or outage, teams are required to send a representative to tournament headquarters for updates.
Spectator Admission Fees
There will be spectator admission fees for this event. Once spectator admission fees are paid, there will be no refunds or rain checks. Specific spectator information for each event can be found online at BASEBALLFEST.COM under Event Details.
Arrival Policies
Home Team
Pregame Warm-Ups
Scoring Reporting
If a tiebreaker is needed to determine playoff teams (wildcards, etc.), the following tiebreakers shall be used:
- Overall won-lost record
- Head-to-head (only applies when two teams are involved)
- Least number of runs allowed throughout the tournament
- Total runs scored
- Coin flip
Scoreboard Volunteers
Local Policies and Ordinances
A player may only be on one roster in any given tournament, regardless of age division. While we encourage teams to have matching player uniforms, there is no penalty for players on a roster that participate with a different jersey and/or different numbers than listed on the roster.
Team rosters contain personal information such as player date of birth, email addresses and coach’s personal information. In the interest of protecting player and coach privacy, rosters can only be viewed by BaseballFest staff. Only a Head Coach may ask the Tournament Director about players listed and if they meet the age and/or roster qualifications. To protest a player’s eligibility, see the policy below.
Any Head Coach that would like to formally challenge the eligibility of a player shall make this known to the Tournament Director at least one (1) hour prior to the player’s next game. A $200 cash challenge fee should be posted at the time of the challenge. The purpose of the fee is to minimize unsubstantiated challenges. Provided this process is followed, the Tournament Director or his/her designee will investigate. If the player is ruled eligible, the $200 cash challenge fee shall be forfeited. In the instance of an age challenge, if the birth certificate cannot be produced before game time, the player in question is ineligible to play for that game. If the birth certificate shows the player is over age, the team must forfeit all games the player in question participated in. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes. If any player eligibility challenge is valid and upheld, the $200 cash challenge fee shall be promptly returned.
The birthday age cutoff is April 30. Each Head Coach shall have copies of player birth certificates on hand at every game, and shall be prepared to present them to the Tournament Director upon request. As an avenue to bring an international presence to BaseballFest, teams from Canada will follow Canadian Age Cutoffs for eligibility. No other “play downs” will be permitted at BaseballFest.
Length of Game
Batting Order and Extra Players
In All Age Divisions, teams have the following three (3) options with regard to batting order and extra players:
- Straight Nine: Nine (9) players in the batting order and listed on the lineup card. No designated hitter. All other players are substitutes, subject to the NFHS substitution rules (starter can re-enter into his original spot once, etc.).
- Extra Hitter: Ten (10) players in the batting order and listed on the lineup card. No designated hitter. Free substitution (defensive players) among the ten (10) players listed on the batting order. All other players are substitutes and subject to the NFHS substitution rules (starter can re-enter into his original spot once, etc.).
- Continuous batting order: All players in uniform (unless injured) in the batting order and listed on the lineup card. If a late player arrives after the lineup cards are exchanged, then the player must be entered into the last spot in the batting order. Free defensive substitution for all players throughout the game.
The Head Coach shall declare his choice to the opposing coach and the umpire(s) during the plate meeting prior to each game. Once a declaration is made, it cannot be changed for that game.
Arm Health and Recommended Pitching Limitations
The ultimate responsibility of managing pitch counts rests with each team’s Head Coach. Tournament management will not be involved in counting pitches or regulating pitching during the event.
BaseballFest endorses the Pitch Smart program, developed by USA Baseball and Major League Baseball. This program is a series of practical, age appropriate guidelines to help parents, players and coaches avoid overuse injuries and foster long, healthy careers for youth pitchers.
About Pitch Smart: USA Baseball and MLB team up to help young players reduce arm injuries by providing a comprehensive resource for safe pitching practices. Baseball is a safe game to play at all ages, but research has shown that pitching too much – particularly at a young age – can increase a pitcher’s risk of injury.
Risk Factors: Some factors that increase the risk of arm injury include:
Pitching while fatigued
Not taking enough time off from baseball every year
Throwing too many pitches and not getting enough rest
Pitching on consecutive days
Playing for multiple teams at the same time
Throwing breaking pitches at a young age
Recommended Pitch Count Limits and Recommended Rest:
Age | Daily Max | 0 Days | 1 Days | 2 Days | 3 Days | 4 Days |
Recommended Rest | ||||||
7-8 | 50 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | – | – |
9-10 | 75 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66+ |
11-12 | 85 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66+ |
13-14 | 95 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-50 | 51-65 | 66+ |
15-16 | 95 | 1-20 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-75 | 76+ |
17-18 | 105 | 1-20 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-75 | 76+ |

Bat Restrictions
Ages 9U-12U: Bats must be stamped either 1.15 BPF or USA Baseball and will have no weight drop restriction. Alternatively, BBCOR and/or wood bats may be used. BESR stamped bats are illegal and cannot be used.
Age 13U: Bats must be stamped either 1.15 BPF or USA Baseball and must be no lighter than a drop-8 length-to-weight ratio. Alternatively, BBCOR and/or wood bats may be used. BESR stamped bats are illegal and cannot be used.
Age 14U: Bats must be stamped either 1.15 BPF or USA Baseball and must be no lighter than a drop-5 length-to-weight ratio. Alternatively, BBCOR and/or wood bats may be used. BESR stamped bats are illegal and cannot be used.
Age 15U and Above: Bats must be BBCOR certified. All BBCOR aluminum bats are limited to -3 drop and must be stamped BBCOR Certified per NFHS rule. Alternatively, wood bats may be used.
In the case that a bat is deemed illegal and unsafe for use by various governing bodies, the BaseballFest Rules and Procedures Team will come convene to make a decision on the use of said bats at the BaseballFest.
Time Limits
The game start time shall begin with the first warm up pitch. The home plate umpire or base umpire shall monitor the official time, and it is preferred that the time be announced publicly to minimize confusion later. All games shall have a 1 hour and 45 minute time limit, except the championship game.
Expiration of the time limit shall be ruled upon at the moment the final out in a half inning is recorded. An inning may be finished, but a new inning cannot be started after the time limit expires. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over (a) immediately after the top half of the inning is finished or (b) at the moment the time limit is reached and the home team is ahead in the bottom half of the inning.
The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify time limits in the event of weather or scheduling issues.
Mercy Rules
Base Distances and Field Dimensions
Official Baseballs
Metal Spikes and Footwear
Metal Spikes are not permitted on the synthetic turf fields at Publix Sports Park or Arizona Athletic Grounds.
A pitcher CANNOT wear molds (not even plastic) on the mounds when pitching at Publix Sports Park, they MUST be in turf shoes. If they wear molds, they will be ejected from the game.
Extra Innings and Tie Games
For all Pool Play Games, if a game is tied after the time limit expires or when the regulation innings have been completed, the game shall be recorded as a tie.
For Bracket Play Games, if a game is tied after the time limit expires or when the regulation innings have been completed, the following tiebreaker will be used. In the first extra inning and every ½ inning thereafter, each team will start with a man on second base and 1 out. The base runner will be the last batted out from the previous inning. Each batter will start with a 1-1 count. The game will continue in this format until a winner is determined.
Intentional Walks
Courtesy Runners
Injuries and Early Departures
Game Called Due to Weather or Field Conditions
A game will be considered complete if weather, darkness or field conditions prevent the game from being completed:
6-inning game = 3 innings or 2 ½ if home team is leading, will constitute a completed game.
7-inning game = 4 innings or 3 ½ if home team is leading, will determine a completed game.
If a game is not official as described above, the Tournament Director will either:
(a) suspend the game and arrange to have it resumed where it left off, or
(b) cancel the game such that it does not count toward tournament standings.
Should a Championship game be interrupted by weather, darkness or unplayable field conditions, and is not an official game per the above Rule, then the Championship team will be determined by the score at the end of the last full completed inning. If the score was tied at the end of the last completed inning or if the first inning of the game is not completed, the higher seed shall be named Champion.
Honor The Game
BaseballFest management emphasizes that the primary purpose of all tournament events is to create positive competition experiences and lifelong memories for the participants. All adults (coaches, parents, officials) should conduct themselves with this fundamental notion in mind. Compromising the integrity of the game or making a travesty of the game are unacceptable and will be grounds for disqualification.